Managing Partner - Barrister and Sollicitor - Certified Forensic Investigation Expert and Sworn Judicial expert in criminal investigation in Cameroon

Barrister NDANGOH TAH Calvin is an experienced Barrister and Sollicitor of the Cameroon Bar Association, holder of a Masters Degree in Business Law and a First Degree in Law from the universities of Yaounde II (SOA) and Buea respectively. He equally hold a specilized diploma in Administrative Litigations from Ecole Nationale d'Administration (ENA), Paris - France.

He is also a Certified Forensic Investigation Expert and a Fellow of the International Institue of Forensic Investigation professionals (IICFIP) and Sworn Judicial expert in criminal investigation in Cameroon.

He has been practicing for many years and grounded in the bi-jural legal system; both the English “Common Law” and the French “Civil Law” operating in Cameroon.

Areas of Practice
Corporate Law, Litigation and International Arbitration, Intellectual Property, Criminal Investigation, Contract Law, Banking and Finance Law, Telecommunications/Internet Technology Law, Mining Law, Advocate of Human Rights, Maritime Law, Civil Aviation Law, Natural Resources, Real Estate, Commercial Law, Mergers, Conveyancing, Succession and Wills, Family Counselling, Privatisation, Insurance and Re-insurance

English and French

Get in Touch
Tel: (+237) 242 722 472
Email: admin@etudetah.com